Junior Scientist Day (JSD) has entered in to its 3rd year with a number of previous successful events and it has turned into an annual event for Institute of Medical Molecular Biotechnology (IMMB). Faculty of Medicine in Universiti Teknologi MARA The programme is an ingenuity of IMMB in supporting the Ministry of Education calls on STEM initiative in Malaysia. The STEM initiative main aim is to provide a pipeline of students that in future will fill up the million new STEM careers in our country. These jobs include scientist and technicians as well as careers of the Industrial Revolution 5.0. Hence, IMMB has developed a programme with the objectives to spark and ignite interest on life sciences among young school students. This initiative is ultimately tasked in raising a generation of creative and innovative young minds.

Organized by Institute of Medical Molecular Biotechnology (IMMB) & co-organized with Department of Medical Education (DOME), Faculty of Medicine UiTM
This program will be full of fun with science forensic activities for children from 7 to 12 years old.
22 December 2021(Wednesday)
9.00 am until 12.00 pm
Virtual Program: Zoom Platform
This program will be full of fun with science forensic activities for children from 7 to 12 years old.
22 December 2021(Wednesday)
9.00 am until 12.00 pm
Virtual Program: Zoom Platform
Junior Scientist’s Activities
Station DNA analysis
1. To highlight the basics and importance of DNA in life and forensics.
2. To explain and show the steps taken for DNA sample processing.
3. To discuss how to relate DNA sample from victim and family member.
4. To discuss how to relate DNA sample from crime scene and suspect.
Station Blood components
Station Fingerprint
Station Entomology
Registration Fee: RM25/person
Language : Malay
Interested to register for Junior Scientists Day, click the button below.
7-12 years old future scientists are welcome to participate in this event.
Any questions, please contact Mrs. Roslina 03-61265101/Mrs. Ummu 03-61265083
Hope to see your kids at this program and please feel free to share this with the others
Language : Malay
Interested to register for Junior Scientists Day, click the button below.
7-12 years old future scientists are welcome to participate in this event.
Any questions, please contact Mrs. Roslina 03-61265101/Mrs. Ummu 03-61265083
Hope to see your kids at this program and please feel free to share this with the others
Junior Science Day : 7th August 2019

Junior Science Day : 6th August 2019

Junior Science Day : December 2018

Junior Science Day : October 2017